
Russian Missile Sale to Iran Involves Unseen Deals With Israel

May 06, 2015

Last month, when President Vladimir Putin of Russia announced plans to sell a powerful anti-missile system to Iran before the lifting of international sanctions, Israel was quick to join the U.S. in expressing shock and anger.

But behind the public announcements is a little-known web of arms negotiations and secret diplomacy. In recent years, Israel and Russia have engaged in a complex dance, with Israel selling drones to Russia while remaining conspicuously neutral toward Ukraine and hoping to stave off Iranian military development. The dance may not be over.

Saudi King: Gulf must confront Iran

May 06, 2015

KSA, 06-05-2015: Saudi Arabia’s King Salman said on Tuesday that Gulf leaders must stand up to Iran at a conference held amid growing regional tension.

Salman’s call came at a meeting of Gulf monarchs in Riyadh also attended by French President Francois Hollande, who said his country was “by the side” of Gulf nations.

In a clear reference to Iran, Salman spoke of the need to confront an external threat that “aims to expand control and impose its hegemony,” threatening regional stability and creating “sectarian sedition.”

Hezbollah’s teen military recruits

Hezbollah mourned last week the death of a teenager killed “on jihadist duty” in Syria. The party’s Al-Manar television reported last Tuesday that “Hezbollah bid farewell to the mujahid martyr Mashhur Fahd Shamseddine.” Neither Hezbollah nor media outlets associated with the party made any reference to the boy’s age. Hezbollah only announced that he had died in a tragic accident while performing his jihadist duty. However, Arabic-language newspapers reported Shamseddine was only 15.

Rebels capture six Hezbollah mercenaries in Zebdine

May 04, 2015

Zebdine‬, ‪‎Damascus‬ province, 04-05-2015: Syrian rebel forces in Zebdine have captured six Hezbollah mercenaries, as well as seizing a quantity of military equipment from the Lebanese militia members.

The Assad regime is now almost wholly reliant on Hezbollah and other Tehran-backed extremist foreign militias to fight for the regime.

Report from: Orient News

Iran's Nuclear Deal 3: How Will Arab States React? By Dr Azmi Bishara

On the response to Iranian expansion since 2011

With the Arab peoples rising up in 2011, the region saw different kinds of reactions to Iranian expansion. One of the important factors that exposed the Arab popular protest movement to setbacks is the same factor that helped Iran get rid of the predicament brought about by the Arab uprisings, and helped Iran appear to be on the same side as the international consensus: religious extremism, represented by Salafist-Jihadism.

Khamenei’s secret plans to occupy Sanaa and take over Yemen

May 04, 2015

According to reports that have recently reached the Iranian Resistance, last June, Khamenei ordered the terrorist Qods Force (QF) to speed up the plan for occupation of Sanaa and to control Yemen by the Houthis. This measure followed the escalation of the crisis in Iraq and the occupation of large swathes of that country by ISIS and the establishment of an international coalition in this respect. Khamenei had stated that since the U.S. is preoccupied with ISIS and Iraq, as well as the nuclear talks, it is prone to overlook the Iranian regime’s intervention in Yemen, the reports said.

Is Hezbollah running out of men to fight Iran's battles?

May 02, 2015

02-05-2015: According to media reports the badly-overstretched Hezbollah may be resorting to using child soldiers to compensate for growing losses in the many battles it is currently engaged in.

The use of child soldiers, even in auxiliary roles, underlines the extent to which the Iranian backed Hezbollah militant group is being stretched in its unprecedented deployment throughout the Middle East as part of the spearhead of Iran’s increasingly aggressive foreign policy.
