
US "concerned" that Saudi-Iran rift may damage "Syria peace talks"

Jan 06, 2016

Following the recent severing of relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia over the execution of Shiite cleric Sheikh al-Nimr by Riyadh and the torching of the Saudi embassy in Tehran, some in the Iraqi government fear it will exacerbate Sunni-Shiite tensions at a critical juncture.

This comes as Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq have spearheaded fragile cooperative efforts to tackle the threat posed by the Islamic State (ISIS). Now the fear is that such cooperation could be compromised as a result of the recent tensions and war of words between Riyadh and Tehran.

US Unhappy at Prospect of Real Action Against Assad by Saudi-Turkish Alliance

May 07, 2015

Casting aside U.S. concerns about aiding extremist groups, Turkey and Saudi Arabia have converged on an aggressive new strategy to bring down Syrian President Bashar Assad.

The two countries — one a democracy, the other a conservative kingdom — have for years been at odds over how to deal with Assad, their common enemy. But mutual frustration with what they consider American indecision has brought the two together in a strategic alliance that is driving recent rebel gains in northern Syria, and has helped strengthen a new coalition of anti-Assad insurgents, Turkish officials say.

Saudi King: Gulf must confront Iran

May 06, 2015

KSA, 06-05-2015: Saudi Arabia’s King Salman said on Tuesday that Gulf leaders must stand up to Iran at a conference held amid growing regional tension.

Salman’s call came at a meeting of Gulf monarchs in Riyadh also attended by French President Francois Hollande, who said his country was “by the side” of Gulf nations.

In a clear reference to Iran, Salman spoke of the need to confront an external threat that “aims to expand control and impose its hegemony,” threatening regional stability and creating “sectarian sedition.”